jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017

My Favourite Movie

I have to admit that to choose my favourite movie was a hard decision. But, just I'll put on this post the first movie that came to mind was Brave ❤❤❤❤.
Why Brave?
Because this movie include all the things that I love <3, such as redheads and curly hair people, bears, bears and more bears, Scottish culture in general and the empowerment that Merida show us. The first time that a saw this movie I falling in love immediately, although, who is not in love with Brave?
On another issue, in reference with my favourites types of movies that I like to watch I really can't decide, I like all types!!! But, I select four of my list, there are action, comedy, fantasy and thriller.
Other thing that I want you know is the last movie that I saw, there is "Kingsman 2: The Golden Circle". I have to make it clear that I don't wantched the first movie, nonetheless I can understand all the plot. I recommend it, but I must warn them that the movie is a little flamboyant. *Curious fact: Elton John appears in this movie.  
Finally, I would like to recommend you three films that I like: The Imitation Game, Hangover and the Harry Potter saga.


My Favourite Technology (4th post)

Hey Martians! Here your favourite martian with a new thing to share to you.
Okey, technologies, which of all technologies are the best for me?
Simple, the tablet. Why?
Because the tablet gives me the posibility (for more than three or four years) to watch videos (on Youtube), series and movies (on Netflix), anime, and read a lot of books. This, without losing the contact with others social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, among any others. Also, the size of this device is perfect and functional to me.    
How would be my life without this object?

My life would be so boring, since, first, I use this gadget at least five days a week, furthermore I am forced to read and watch movies or series in other   technology platform like computers, cellphones or TVs.