jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017

My Favourite Movie

I have to admit that to choose my favourite movie was a hard decision. But, just I'll put on this post the first movie that came to mind was Brave ❤❤❤❤.
Why Brave?
Because this movie include all the things that I love <3, such as redheads and curly hair people, bears, bears and more bears, Scottish culture in general and the empowerment that Merida show us. The first time that a saw this movie I falling in love immediately, although, who is not in love with Brave?
On another issue, in reference with my favourites types of movies that I like to watch I really can't decide, I like all types!!! But, I select four of my list, there are action, comedy, fantasy and thriller.
Other thing that I want you know is the last movie that I saw, there is "Kingsman 2: The Golden Circle". I have to make it clear that I don't wantched the first movie, nonetheless I can understand all the plot. I recommend it, but I must warn them that the movie is a little flamboyant. *Curious fact: Elton John appears in this movie.  
Finally, I would like to recommend you three films that I like: The Imitation Game, Hangover and the Harry Potter saga.


4 comentarios:

  1. AAAWWW I love Brave, recently I see so much because when I'm doing zapping always it's been exhibited in Disney ajajja <3

  2. Ive never seen Brave, I think what i must to see that movie, I willd dont forget this!!

  3. I have a curly hair too! I love Brave because she is really wonderful and powerful woman <3

  4. I see before Mérida, but not the movie. She's exactly like you haha :3
