jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2017

Alien Evolution

Hey! It’s been a while haha.

Today I’m going to talk about the subject that I really enjoyed studying this semester. And this was Evolution <3 <3 I really, REALLY love this subject; in my opinion was the best subject on the year. The topics that tackled will be essential for my academy formation, because the mention that I want is physical anthropology.

Well, continuing with the theme of this post, I will tell you how were the classes and what I do with it. First, the subject was in charge of two professors, they are called Miriam and Sergio. I would like to say that each class was so interesting and entertaining, I admit it, I was literally waiting the class all week! And, the second idea that I would like everyone to know is which in this course we did two tests, three seminars, a work about cladistics and the rest were group works in general (this includes a dissertation/presentation).

The contents which passed us in the class rounds from the Theory of Evolution (this in relation with Charles Darwin, the creationism, the intelligent design) to hominization (and this in connection with apes, the gender Homo, well, almost all our ancestors). All so engaging.

3 comentarios:

  1. I have not had an evolution course at the university (even though, I guess that I won't have one, maybe I will have evolutionary psychology, but I'm not sure), however at school I had an elective class centered in evolution and I loved it a lot, I share your passion about it :).

  2. I love as the teacher miriam teaches, she made this course very entertaining :)

  3. Hi javi!
    I hope you are well! I liked many classes, despite the fact that he suffered a lot in the online evolution tests
