viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017

English Language Challenges (Post n°9)

Hey Martians, well… I have to say that this post will be probably the last. Cause the course and this year is finalising. Anyway, without further ado, let us turn to the matter in hand. First of all, I am going to write about what comments can I do about my experience learning English at this university and what I opine about the use of blogs this semester. 

Well, this semester I admit it, it's been a mad semester haha. Continuing, notwithstanding days of university mobilizations I believe that this course has been so good and relax. I learn too much with the blogs most specially.

I know that the theory must not be isolated, but the teaching classes, blogs and even the listenings or videos show them by the teacher, help me more than the theory classes. So that was my suggestion or proposal, MORE TEACHING (OR DIDACTIC) CLASSES.

And with regard to my English I need to improve my vocabulary mostly, because a lot of times my mind goes blank when I have to talk in English. My plan to remedy this is practice more my English vocabulary and read a lot, and most specially the papers that the university provide me. Although, also I will rea done book in English this summer, maybe. And, of course, I am going to watch a lot of series and movies in this idiom.

And finally, outside the English class I use the English, but not much. Sometimes I use it when I watched movies or series on Netflix, even when I watched anime. Although, I have to admit that these days I am not using my English too much.
So, that’s all, bye bye Martians!

6 comentarios:

  1. owww I love how you use english hahaha especially to see netflix, it's the best thing to learn english :)

  2. It's a very good idea to do a book for learn English :).

  3. Hi, I'm accord with you about blogs, they made we learned English a lot!

  4. I agree with you about that in this level we improve our english vocabulary

  5. Hello, it is a very good plan to watch movies and series in English with subtitles to learn, although I do not see many movies I will try to put it into practice

  6. I neither use the english out of the university, but the series and music always are an option.
