lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

Miriam Miriam Miriam (7th post)

Hey guys! In this post I will write about the person or expert in my field that I admire.
I will be honest with you guys, and I don’t have to much knowledge about experts in the área of anthropology that cares me. But I will try (well, I just googling for some information). Although, I'm starting to think and BOOM, she was coming to my mind. My teacher or professor of the subject Evolution (by the way, my favourite in this semester) Miriam Pérez De Los Ríos.
Furthermore of her profession as biological anthropology, she has two degrees more, these are Geology and a Master’s Degree in Paleontology. all of these in Spain. Now, you can see how amazing is this woman!

And now, a little biography.
She born in the year 1986 in Santurce, Spain. Before that you continue reading the post I have to admit that I found limited information about her, but… continue with this. She spoke five languages, FIVE! These are Spanish, English, French, Italian and Catalan. Among the articles that she wrote the most interesting to me are “Miocene small-bodied ape from Eurasia sheds light on hominoid evolution” and “Hominoid cranial remains from the Vallès-Penedès Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula): Taxonomic and phylogenetic implications”, but the last one is not public download.

She is an excellent teacher, in addition to this she’s so sweet and intelligent, she knows all, she’s my God hahaha
Curious fact: she was in a culinary reality show program for a time (I didn't know how much time she was here), but the program was called “Deja sitio para el postre”.

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