martes, 29 de mayo de 2018

Art in all types!

Hey Martians! Today the post will be about two things which I really love to do, to listen and to live day-to-day. In fact, I consider which them are so important that without them the life would not make sense to me, then I will explain why.

That "two things" are music and art. I shall start with the music. By age 8 or 9, when I was still studying in a small town near Puerto Natales, I started to learn to play traverse flute. At the age of 18 I still continued playing traverse flute, but starting the University I had not time to nothing which was not to read, so, I put it aside. By the way, the person behind almost everything my knowledge with respect to play traverse flute was Erik M. Thanks so much for everything.

Back in time, when I started the high school I met Angelino S. This teacher taught us art, without him the learning and practicing experience would have been differently probably. Many thanks to you too!

This year, due to many bad situations carried forward from prior months, I discovered which my place is not be in Anthropology, but that on the contrary it is in Art. Because, what better than painting, drawing, listening the most inspirational music. So relaxing. I can tell you which with only that two things I consider myself to be a very happy girl.  Unfortunately, although maybe I can change of career and starting with Art the next year, I am obliged to continue studying Anthropology the rest of this year. Only if the Faculty will do not reject me the career transfer. All this means that I still I won´t be able to paint while listening music. Why? Well, to be honest, continue in this career make me extremely unhappy, and this makes paint and draw very difficult, because a lot of reasons, such as I cannot focus my mind and I don't allow me to be relaxed and happy. I'm weird.

By the way! In addition to the foregoing, I also like to write stories of all kinds, recently I had very much enjoyed writing poems.

That's all, XOXO

martes, 22 de mayo de 2018

Veggie food

Hey Martians! How you been? Good I hope.

Today I will talk about FOOD!!! Beautiful and delicious food ha, ha.
First of all I I must to say which I am vegetarian since March of this year. Consequently, I could not say my favourites food, because my food tastes have changed, So I shall proceed as follows, I will make two lists, the first will have three foods which I liked before, and the second list will have three vegetarian foods that I love now. And without further ado, I am going to start with this.

First list (non vegetarian) - Speciesist killer, ha!

1. Chicken Milanese with rice or mixed salad.
2. Lasagne
3. Gnocchi made by my grandmother <3

Second list (vegetarian)

1. Veggie Lasagna
2. Veggie Sushi (with avoccado, cream cheese and any vegetable like red or green pepper)
3. Veggie beans made by my mother <3

Finally, I will mention a few places that I like to go to eat. First, and of course that could not be left out of this post, the Masay Pizza! This is a place to eat -forgive the repetition-, traditional in Puerto Natales, unfortunately, most of the dishes are not veggie, so sad. My favourite dish of Masay Pizza
is the vegetarian sandwich, so delicious!!
Honourable Mentions: Patagonia Dulce, Ñandú, Baguales, Amerindia, all these places are in Puerto Natales <3
Sorry, but I have not favourite places in Santiago, until now.

martes, 15 de mayo de 2018

Something I'd like to learn

Hello, hello little Martians! Today I would like to write about something which I would like to learn. If I am honest, I am the kind of person who have a list with things to learn one day, there are a lot of things, but only for today, I am going to choose three things.

These three things that I would like to learn are: to swim or at least to float (I do not know what I am exactly, because I do not even know to float, I am sinking like Jack of the Titanic, well... ignore that cruel reference) , to drawing human and animal faces, realistic, I hope, and finally, to use Photoshop (only for fun).

Something that I started learning and stopped that I would like to pursue? Well, let me time to think. Oh, I know what it would be, Volleyball.

I started to play (and learn, obviously) Volleyball when I was... Oh no, I did not remember when I started to play Volleyball. Although if I want to finish this post I am going to put me at age for reference, so you get some idea about... Well, I think that you get the point. Let's start again!

I started to play volleyball when I was fifteen or sixteen years old. I fell in love with volleyball, due to two simple reasons, One of those reasons is that the volleyball is a non-contact sport, What I want to say with this? Simply, I was not be forced to have body-to-body contact with players of the opposing team, such as basketball or football. 

I can promise you that I totally hate the body-to-body contact, because I am not an aggressive and rude person, so when I played basketball (before volleyball) I was putting myself very nervous for the body-to-body contact. 

That's all, XOXO

martes, 8 de mayo de 2018

Free! Simpsonmania

Hello, hello little Martians, today I am going to talk about my favourite animated sitcom, (drum roll)... The Simpsons!!
And who does not know who are The Simpsons?
Well, The Simpsons, as I said at the start, is an animated sitcom, created by Matt Groening. It is a kind of a satirical representation of working-class life. The Simpsons family is comprised of five members, they call Homer (the father), Marge (the mother), Bart (the eldest brother), Lisa (the second daughter) and Maggie (the baby and the youngest of the family).

Well, I do not what more I should say, so I will write to you about my favourites seasons, characters, and scenes in particular that I love.
My favourite seasons are ultimately the fifth and the twelfth seasons. Because in these seasons are the best episodes ever!! Such as "Homer Goes to College", "Homer the Vigilante", or "New Kids on the Blecch", so funny episodes! Watch these episodes! I totally recommend it!

Second point, my favourites characters (this because, why I should choose only one?). If I should have to select only three characters I would like to choose Lisa Simpson (because I love her! She is so intelligent, a strong environmentalist, vegetarian, saxophonist, feminist ❣, with a liberal political stance, Buddhist, and a lot of qualities, all this without leaving her child spirit, well, in most cases.
The next character is Homer, yes, it was very predictable, but, Homer, although he is hot-tempered, clumsy, lazy, cranky, alcoholic, ignorant, silly, boor, but he do not stops being funny!!
And, ultimately, a random character, Bleeding Gums Murphy, a gifted saxophonist, who was the idol and role model of Lisa.

In conclusion, The Simpsons, even though it represents the reality of a "common" American middle class family, after the 20th season, The Simpsons were becoming a little boring, making the characters more unbearable (in the case of Lisa and Bart), a moralist and with conservative mind, even submissive (for example Marge), etcetera.

That's all Martians, bye, bye XOXO