martes, 22 de mayo de 2018

Veggie food

Hey Martians! How you been? Good I hope.

Today I will talk about FOOD!!! Beautiful and delicious food ha, ha.
First of all I I must to say which I am vegetarian since March of this year. Consequently, I could not say my favourites food, because my food tastes have changed, So I shall proceed as follows, I will make two lists, the first will have three foods which I liked before, and the second list will have three vegetarian foods that I love now. And without further ado, I am going to start with this.

First list (non vegetarian) - Speciesist killer, ha!

1. Chicken Milanese with rice or mixed salad.
2. Lasagne
3. Gnocchi made by my grandmother <3

Second list (vegetarian)

1. Veggie Lasagna
2. Veggie Sushi (with avoccado, cream cheese and any vegetable like red or green pepper)
3. Veggie beans made by my mother <3

Finally, I will mention a few places that I like to go to eat. First, and of course that could not be left out of this post, the Masay Pizza! This is a place to eat -forgive the repetition-, traditional in Puerto Natales, unfortunately, most of the dishes are not veggie, so sad. My favourite dish of Masay Pizza
is the vegetarian sandwich, so delicious!!
Honourable Mentions: Patagonia Dulce, Ñandú, Baguales, Amerindia, all these places are in Puerto Natales <3
Sorry, but I have not favourite places in Santiago, until now.

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