martes, 15 de mayo de 2018

Something I'd like to learn

Hello, hello little Martians! Today I would like to write about something which I would like to learn. If I am honest, I am the kind of person who have a list with things to learn one day, there are a lot of things, but only for today, I am going to choose three things.

These three things that I would like to learn are: to swim or at least to float (I do not know what I am exactly, because I do not even know to float, I am sinking like Jack of the Titanic, well... ignore that cruel reference) , to drawing human and animal faces, realistic, I hope, and finally, to use Photoshop (only for fun).

Something that I started learning and stopped that I would like to pursue? Well, let me time to think. Oh, I know what it would be, Volleyball.

I started to play (and learn, obviously) Volleyball when I was... Oh no, I did not remember when I started to play Volleyball. Although if I want to finish this post I am going to put me at age for reference, so you get some idea about... Well, I think that you get the point. Let's start again!

I started to play volleyball when I was fifteen or sixteen years old. I fell in love with volleyball, due to two simple reasons, One of those reasons is that the volleyball is a non-contact sport, What I want to say with this? Simply, I was not be forced to have body-to-body contact with players of the opposing team, such as basketball or football. 

I can promise you that I totally hate the body-to-body contact, because I am not an aggressive and rude person, so when I played basketball (before volleyball) I was putting myself very nervous for the body-to-body contact. 

That's all, XOXO

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