jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017

Why Anthropology? (3rd post)

Hi everybody! Today I'm going to write about why I chose this career. 🙌
First, a summer when a I was seventeen years old my mom created an account on Netflix. Due to this, I started to watch a serie called Bones. Well, as you may know, the lead of Bones is a psysical anthropologist, and, what else can I say?, I really loved this career, and for many reasons, one of these, include the "humanism", in other words, combine the science with some the above mentioned.

Other thing that I want to say is "which was my dream job when I was a child?". 
As we all know, the majority of persons want to be many things in their lifes, and most specially when we are in growth phase. And in connection with the latter, when I was a little girl wished to be a dancer, wizard (yes, I have yet the letter of Hogwarts💘), musician and inclusive go to Wonderland🐰. But also were the other wishes, those that I still remain yet, such as drawer and painter, paleontologist, historian, writer... a lot. 
But what I want more than anything is to work in a hospital morgue. And studying physical anthropology I know that I will be fulfil.

6 comentarios:

  1. wooow I love everything you said, above all those the serie "bones", I love movies or serie the criminalistic experts.

  2. Some day the letter of Hogwarts arrive ( </3) and you make the big witch of History! and I love bones too

  3. I have heard of many people that they like anthropology after they have seen Bones :), sounds interesting the physical anthropology

  4. That is so good that you prefer the physical opcion and combined with the social, I loveee this <3

  5. you would have been a very good dancer :)

  6. OMG Javiera I love 'Bones' too!!! hahaha
