martes, 10 de julio de 2018

My dream job!

Hi everyone! Considering that I will swap Anthropology for Visual Arts, I would like to connect this post with the "new future" that it will bring me. Now my plans are, to study Visual Arts, next to this study a year and a half more to be a high school Visual Arts teacher, and if only I can, also I would like to study Art History and Theory at this same University.  So, having said that, start with the post.

If I am truly honest, I would really love to work in a high school. introducing a new methodology to teach. This method, I would like, it would will be more flexible, promoting the talent and each student art style. I even choke up when I think about it. 
Well, between the qualities and skills that I should have are (in my opinion): high expectations, a nice personality, a good style to teach, to be passionate to teach, a good rapport with students, to teach interactive classes, a lot of patience, establish harmony and discipline, not being close to a new kind of arts, such as ceramic or weaving. With many more of qualities and skills. 

Last but not least, I would get to this possible future job, to feeling like I will be part of the student's educational pathway, even, I hope, some that another future artist. Or simply to make them feel that all persons can be talented or artists. Do not make the classes boring .

That was it Martians! XOXO

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