viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017

English Language Challenges (Post n°9)

Hey Martians, well… I have to say that this post will be probably the last. Cause the course and this year is finalising. Anyway, without further ado, let us turn to the matter in hand. First of all, I am going to write about what comments can I do about my experience learning English at this university and what I opine about the use of blogs this semester. 

Well, this semester I admit it, it's been a mad semester haha. Continuing, notwithstanding days of university mobilizations I believe that this course has been so good and relax. I learn too much with the blogs most specially.

I know that the theory must not be isolated, but the teaching classes, blogs and even the listenings or videos show them by the teacher, help me more than the theory classes. So that was my suggestion or proposal, MORE TEACHING (OR DIDACTIC) CLASSES.

And with regard to my English I need to improve my vocabulary mostly, because a lot of times my mind goes blank when I have to talk in English. My plan to remedy this is practice more my English vocabulary and read a lot, and most specially the papers that the university provide me. Although, also I will rea done book in English this summer, maybe. And, of course, I am going to watch a lot of series and movies in this idiom.

And finally, outside the English class I use the English, but not much. Sometimes I use it when I watched movies or series on Netflix, even when I watched anime. Although, I have to admit that these days I am not using my English too much.
So, that’s all, bye bye Martians!

lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

Miriam Miriam Miriam (7th post)

Hey guys! In this post I will write about the person or expert in my field that I admire.
I will be honest with you guys, and I don’t have to much knowledge about experts in the área of anthropology that cares me. But I will try (well, I just googling for some information). Although, I'm starting to think and BOOM, she was coming to my mind. My teacher or professor of the subject Evolution (by the way, my favourite in this semester) Miriam Pérez De Los Ríos.
Furthermore of her profession as biological anthropology, she has two degrees more, these are Geology and a Master’s Degree in Paleontology. all of these in Spain. Now, you can see how amazing is this woman!

And now, a little biography.
She born in the year 1986 in Santurce, Spain. Before that you continue reading the post I have to admit that I found limited information about her, but… continue with this. She spoke five languages, FIVE! These are Spanish, English, French, Italian and Catalan. Among the articles that she wrote the most interesting to me are “Miocene small-bodied ape from Eurasia sheds light on hominoid evolution” and “Hominoid cranial remains from the Vallès-Penedès Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula): Taxonomic and phylogenetic implications”, but the last one is not public download.

She is an excellent teacher, in addition to this she’s so sweet and intelligent, she knows all, she’s my God hahaha
Curious fact: she was in a culinary reality show program for a time (I didn't know how much time she was here), but the program was called “Deja sitio para el postre”.

THE photography (6th post)

Hey Martians! I’ll speak today about a photograph that I like. I will not deny you that this topic and decision are so (sooooooooo) difficult. Let us be realistic, there are infinity photographs in this world! Thus, I took the liberty of borrowed a photo that shows us the beautiful landscape of the city that you find in my heart, Puerto Natales <3.Well, I admit it, I can’t choose only one photo, so I’ll show you three photos.

These photos were taken by a young photographer that live in Pto. Natales. His name is Daniel González and you can find him in Instagram with the nickname @photographe_gonza. I do not know the dates that it was taken, however, I know the date that they were uploaded.

The first was uploaded on October 11th of this year. Here we can see the Cultural Centre of Pto. Natales.

Second: this photo was uploaded on August 28th of this year too. In this case we can observe the beautiful seafront of this city.

And finally, on August 14th the photo that you can see below was uploaded. Daniel takes this photo in the Weapons square of the city.

Who said postgraduate course? (5th post)

Hi! Today I’m going to talk about a postgraduate course that I would consider Taking in the future. Well, this will be difficult for me, maybe a little bit.

First, I really dream to study a postgraduate course abroad, and if it’s possible, in Europa. And, if I'm lucky that postgraduate course will have a normal “methodology”, I am trying to say that the course will be normal or part-time to work simply. Second, I would like to study a postgraduate course that had relation with geology (with that, paleontology) or medical examiner. Although who knows what postgraduate course will like in the future.

In connection with the subjects that I’d like to study, I’ll be honest, I freely admit that I omitted to take this in consideration truly. But a few subjects that come to my mind are chemistry, pathological anatomy, forensic science laboratory, etcetera.

PD: Yes, I dream would be to work in a Morgue.

jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2017

Alien Evolution

Hey! It’s been a while haha.

Today I’m going to talk about the subject that I really enjoyed studying this semester. And this was Evolution <3 <3 I really, REALLY love this subject; in my opinion was the best subject on the year. The topics that tackled will be essential for my academy formation, because the mention that I want is physical anthropology.

Well, continuing with the theme of this post, I will tell you how were the classes and what I do with it. First, the subject was in charge of two professors, they are called Miriam and Sergio. I would like to say that each class was so interesting and entertaining, I admit it, I was literally waiting the class all week! And, the second idea that I would like everyone to know is which in this course we did two tests, three seminars, a work about cladistics and the rest were group works in general (this includes a dissertation/presentation).

The contents which passed us in the class rounds from the Theory of Evolution (this in relation with Charles Darwin, the creationism, the intelligent design) to hominization (and this in connection with apes, the gender Homo, well, almost all our ancestors). All so engaging.